Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Health Benefits Garlic

Garlic was derived from the old English word called garleac which meant, spear leek. Going as far behind as 6000 years, Garlic was native to Central Asia and was a staple food in the Mediterranean. It was later used as a seasoning agent in other parts of the world such as Asia, Africa and Europe. Some of its close relatives were shallots, onions, leeks and chives. Ancient Egyptians not only used it in classic culinary dishes but also used it as a natural substitute to medicine and often also worshipped it. They placed garlic clay model bulbs in the tomb of Tutankhamen. Back in the yester years, Garlic was in fact so expensive it was used as a form of currency. Some superstitious people believed, Garlic was known to ward off the evil and keep Vampires and witches away.

Serving Ideas For Garlic

· Garlic and prawns make an excellent combination, as it helps in eradicating the odors of seafood.
· Roast garlic can be eaten anytime.
· Garlic can also be baked with shallots and served as an appetizer.

· Crushed garlic can be added to butter, which flavors it and garlic butter can be used to spread on bread.
· Garlic puree is added to almost all Indian curries.
· You can also make a caramelized garlic tart.
· Garlic puree can be added to chicken for preparing an Indonesian classic dish called Garlic fried chicken.
· Many Koreans also pickle their garlic.
· A great amount of garlic can also be added to risotto an Italian dish.
· If you are in the mood to make pasta, then there is nothing like a creamy garlic pasta with shrimp.
· You can also add garlic to mashed potatoes for that extra flavor.

How Does Garlic Works ?

Known to contain a chemical called allicin, which contributes to its unique smell, this seems to be the key to its positive effect on people suffering from plenty of disorders.

Advantages of Garlic

Garlics have been known to have an ocean of health benefits.
· Garlic has been used for many heart and blood conditions which include high blood pressure, high cholesterol, coronary heart diseases, heart attack and even hardening of the arteries.
· It is also known to slow down the process of atherosclerosis.
· Garlic can also be used to prevent colon cancer, rectal cancer, stomach cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, and lung cancer. It also has been used to treat prostate cancer and bladder cancer.
· Garlic has been tried and tested for treating an enlarged prostate, diabetes, hay fever and travelers’ diarrhea.
· It has been commonly used to treat cold, flu, bronchitis, headaches, fever, coughs, sinus, congestion and also help improve the immune system of the body.
· It has also been used to treat tick bites, preventing and treating bacterial and fungal infections.
· Other usage of garlic includes treatment to stomach aches, asthma, gout, rheumatism, hemorrhoids and shortness of breath.
· Garlic has also been used in ancient history for treating snakebites.
· Used for fighting stress, garlic has also been used to fight against fatigue and maintaining healthy liver function of the body.
· Garlic has also been used topically. It can be applied directly on the skin to treat fungal infections, warts and corns. Some have also used garlic to treat ringworm infection and jock itch and athlete’s foot.
· Although garlic has almost become an important ingredient in cooking, off late there is evidence that its use in preparing meats is mostly because it acts as an anti-septic agent and kills any chances of food poisoning.
· Science proves that there is also evidence of garlic working against deadly diseases like e-coli.

Side-effect Of Garlic

· It can also cause nausea, gas, burning sensation in mouth and stomach. It can also induce vomiting and body odor. Its side effects are often worse when eaten raw.
· If you are just out of surgery or planning to have one, it's best to avoid it, as garlic can cause excessive bleeding.
· It also causes heartburn and if garlic paste is being used on sensitive areas, it can be the reason for skin that looks like it has been burnt.
· Pregnant and breast feeding women should stay away from Garlic, as there is not much information available about whether it is safe or unsafe.


  1. Good information....Garlic promotes the overall well-being of the heart and immune systems and helps maintain healthy blood circulation.
